The Future of Practice Research

Due to the way practice is produced and the diversity of its forms, practice research can be more challenging to present than other more traditional text-based outputs such as journal articles, collections or monographs.
Recent AHRC-funded sector-wide scoping projects PR-Voices and SPARKLE have confirmed previous work and recommendations in this area from PRAG-UK, concluding that Practice Research continues to face significant challenges in terms of its identification, discoverability, visibility and parity with ‘standard’ outputs. Institutions currently respond individually to the requirement for assessment of Practice Research within assessment exercises such as REF, and the imperative of Open Access principles for the sharing of Practice Research. No standard repository system or principles of universal identification or systematic interoperability exists as yet. As such, this remains a new and developing infrastructure challenge for the entire HE sector.
In addition, staff recruited into academic contexts from practitioner backgrounds need support to be able to collate, organise and present high quality research in ways that align with the sector’s understanding of what constitutes high-quality research.

We would be delighted if you can join us for this one day, in person, working session to help shape the future of our shared Practice Research landscape.

Monday 9th June 2025, Grosvenor East Building, Manchester Metropolitan University, M15 6BG

1 day with lunch and evening reception, please see the agenda page for full details.

This event is free to attend, by invitation. We are able to consider travel bursaries for practitioners, technical and professional support staff, and postgraduates, where individuals are independent of an institution, or might not otherwise be able to attend. You will be given the option to apply via the registration form.

Please regisiter via this link:

This event has been supported by Research Culture development funding from Research England.